Friday, September 25, 2009

by Faith

There was the proverbial gang to play with on Washington Boulevard when we lived in Lake Odessa in the 50's.

There was McCaul Farm kids.  Betty, Neil, Roxy and a baby (who's name escapes me).  Their farm situated kitty-corner to our house was a wonderful place to play.  Haylofts, silo's, woods, cow paths, fences, animals and tons of activity.

Then there was the girl directly across the street.  Her name was Lois and she was the "lady" of the neighborhood...always clean.  Her room was a showcase of pristinely kept dolls and buggys and beds.  I had no idea one could keep their room so spotless.  Sharon always told me she felt bad for Lois' doll, like they were never touched and loved.  Lois was considered part of the gang, but, to tell you the truth, I don't remember really playing with her.
Down the street lived a boy who I thought was the "hearthtrob" of the gang....David Schied.  When we played "romance", I always wanted David to be my boyfriend.  It never worked out because Roxanne would have been left with her snot-nosed brother, Neil. Oh no, I had at take Neil.  I didn't like him so much for that game.

Well, one day, Roxy's Betsy Wetsy doll came up missing.  Since Roxy's doll was exactly like MY Betsy Wetsy, and both dolls were usually naked, Roxy immediately claimed my doll as hers.  Had we kept them fully clothed like Lois, there would not have been any quarrel.

Of course I protested, loudly.  "That's MY doll!"  "No, that's MY doll!"  Valerie backed me up.  Then Neil backed up Roxy.  War broke out.  The rest of the gang  could probably care less who's doll it was but got got caught up in taking sides.  At first we argued, then we split up into camps where we would plan our next attacks.  Most of the attacks were verbal, but some included stone throwing.  We were sooo mad.  I think the war was settled by sheer exhaustion, lack of attention span.  It felt like it went on for weeks, but, looking back, it probably lasted a day and a half.  All I know is that we all were soon back in the woods together, nailing boards together to make a clubhouse.
  But, IT WAS MY DOLL!!!

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